A Prominent Wealth Management Company Accelerates Releases with QualityKiosk's AI-Driven Solutions

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. QualityKiosk’s AI-driven digital solutions and customer-centric approach have helped a prominent wealth management company in India achieve remarkable results.

By modernizing their services with a ‘Digital First’ strategy, the company aimed to cater to the mid-market segment with diverse investment solutions tailored to their unique needs.

Our expertise in the banking domain, advanced API testing strategies, and intelligent automation helped the company overcome challenges such as constantly evolving requirements, scope creep, and project delays.

By implementing stringent quality gates and strong governance measures, we ensured:

  • Timely build delivery 
  • Reduced defect density by 80% 
  • Improved API performance by 20% 

The successful launch of the application, which scaled up to 1000 Transactions Per Second (TPS) drove operational efficiency and provided a competitive advantage for sustained growth. 

To learn more about how we helped the wealth management company accelerate time-to-market by 30% and enhance product quality, download the full case study by filling out the form.  

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